Saturday, September 24, 2005

Hurricane Katrina and Human Nature

While down in Mexico I heard tell a little story to try to help me understand why someone or something was a certain way... Seems that one day this frog was sitting by the stream and a scorpion came crawling up to it and said, "Good day, Mr. Frog. Would you be so kind as to take me across the stream, you see, I can't swim and I simply must get to the other side." The frog looked the scorpion over and said, "Not so fast, Mr. Scorpion, I'm afraid you'll sting me." The scorpion insisted and argued, "Why would I do that? - if I sting you, we will both drown." After thinking it over for a moment the frog reluctantly agreed and allowed the scorpion to climb aboard its back and he started swimming across the stream. About half way across the frog suddenly felt the agonizing pain and quick paralysis of the scorpion's stinger. "Why did you do it?" he gasped with his last incredulous breath. "I can't help it," said the scorpion before disappearing under the rising water, "it is my nature."

While watching the catastrophe unfold, we reacted with feelings of disbelief. "How could this happen in America?", was the phrase which quickly became a platitude amidst so much suffering. Yet, should we have examined the nature of things and human nature, we should not be at all surprised at what transpired.

First, the hurricane, a natural phenomena, was predicted with great accuracy and fair warning. In contrast, consider the thousands that were caught unawares in Galveston a century ago. They did not have the benefit of satellites and modern technology to accurately predict storms. We do.

Next, it was a well-known fact that much of New Orleans sits below sea level and equally well-known that a levy breach was possible. After all, the levies were only designed to support a category three hurricane.

So, knowing this, that a category five hurricane was rolling menacingly towards New Orleans, what did many thousands do? They decided to stay put and weather the storm.

For someone living in the bowl which is New Orleans - how could it have come as a surprise when the water started rising around them?

Now, the media has been quick to blame the Federal and local government for failing on many levels, and I will address that shortly. But I think it bears mentioning something that nobody likes to talk about, and that is the question of personal responsibility. I understand that there are poor folks, and then there are the really miserably poor - people that should have been given a helping hand, by neighbors, local government, whomever. But I ask you - of the people that chose to stay, despite warnings, how many had vehicles? had a way out? but chose to stay anyway? We all saw countless vehicles up to their mirrors and higher in water. I know poverty, but honestly, how many of those people do not even own a car? Maybe not a late model SUV mind you, but some clapped-out jalopy that could at least take you out of the danger zone?

So, you live in an area prone to flooding, as you and everyone in your neighborhood knows and has always known. What is your plan? What are you going to do when the Big One hits the Big Easy?

I will tell you what many did - nothing. I will tell you how many prepared - they did not prepare. I will tell you what plan they had to protect their loved ones - they did not have a plan.

Why? Now, the answer lies with human nature. Many who suffered needlessly in that catastrophe will have to do some soul-searching to find the answer to that question. That is, if they stop blaming everyone else, except themselves, for their dilemma. What they will most likely find, is that they, like many of us, have flaws. Flaws which cause us to make poor choices in our lives.

I have always been told that the true test of a person is when he finds himself in a crisis - that is when you know the true nature of a person. We know just how true that is in our relationships with other people. You think you know your girlfriend or husband, or whomever, until one day something happens, and he or she is put to the test, and either you are pleased he/she is all that you hoped, or more times than naught, you are very disappointed. A crisis, will amplify a person's character - it will bring out the best and the worst in anyone.

So, if someone's nature is to be a procrastinator, for instance, or lazy, or just plain irresponsible, or foolish - then that flaw is what will cause you not to have a plan. It is that flaw which might just get you killed. It is your nature which failed you when Nature brought a day of reckoning.

For those I risk offending who suffered mightily because they did not seek higher ground, I hope that this catastrophe has taught you, as it should teach all of us, of the importance of having a plan. Though, we might not live in a bowl by-the-sea, all of us should prepare for some catastrophic event, whether it be a tornado, earthquake, or some man-made folly.

We humans, do have the ability to change, but sadly, it often takes a personal catastrophe before we do. What is the nature of your character? Will it make you a survivor or victim?

Next, I consider the nature of government in light of the supposedly surprising revelation that our local, state, and federal governments were proven to be incompetent. For those citizens that were told to go to shelters and arrived at a dark human cesspool with no power, no toilets, no water, no security - I share your outrage. For those that had no means of escape, while public school busses stayed unused in their parking areas - Did the government, on any level, have a plan? Clearly, they did not.

How is it possible to have a shelter for people without generators and fuel to run them? It is possible because they did not have a plan. Whoever heard of a shelter without sufficient food and water? No one - because it was not a shelter - it was a warehouse for human suffering, not unlike and reminiscent of a slave ship's cargo hold.

Why? Because government, like a person, also has a nature. After all - what is government if not a collection of individuals chosen to serve the public? Sadly, the worst characteristics of people also find expression in the public servant. Laziness, procrastination, indifference, greed, corruption - you name it and you will find a human flaw exemplified in government.

Therefore, it should not have come as a surprise that government is bound by bureaucracy and incompetence. That, is the nature of modern statist government. It may be the nature of governments since time immemorial.

If we were not so lazy and subservient, we should demand more from our servants. At least, many will see government in a new light - unable or unwilling to do the only thing it was invented to do - protect our lives and property. Sadly, many will only place blame rather than seeing its true nature.

Lastly, I thought about the sad nature of all those that shamelessly used the tragedy to advance their own agenda. "We should have spent millions on the levies", we heard, "we should pour millions of dollars to help the poor not be poor", "we should blame Bush for global warming which causes hurricanes". Everyone trying to gain some political advantage, none asking the hard questions: What is the nature of a person that keeps him impoverished? What is the nature of our society that it provides opportunity to some, but not others? What is the nature of a thug that causes him to loot and pillage during a crisis? What about someone would make him fire upon rescue workers? What is the nature of someone who would hurt others when they are already down? What kind of person is insensitive to the suffering of others to the point of having the power to help, but refusing to exercise it? What is it about government that makes it fail at the moment of truth?

All the answers to those questions and many more about human and governmental nature are there for the asking and revealing on the stage of the human drama of catastrophic devastation brought by hurricane Katrina. May we learn the lessons well.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

A Rational Ethical Opposition to the Iraq War

To those Americans whose love of country is not blinded by faith, political allegiance or subservience to its government, I appeal to your reason and conscience against the current ruinous path.

The Iraq War is, and has been since its inception, wrong in conception and execution, strategically, politically, economically and most importantly - morally.

A paramount principle of a civilized society is that the use of physical force may never be initiated against another person, group or government. One who initiates physical force against another or others is, by definition, a criminal. The only justification for the use of physical force is in retaliation.

Retaliation may only be used against and in response to those that have initiated physical force. The moral difference between initiation and retaliation is the difference between murder and self-defense. However, to prevent that retaliation does not degrade from an act of self-defense to mere bloody vengeance, the highest standards of objectivity, humanity and justice must be the final arbiters of its use.

If a criminal act has been committed, first the criminals must be identified and found guilty, then a measured and appropriate retaliatory response may proceed. In the case of an intruder breaking into one's home, the response may be a life-saving split second. But in the case of terrorism, operating independently of any official government, retaliation is not always as clear cut and a response must be carefully measured to avoid taking innocent life.

9-11 will forever live in infamy as a criminal act perpetrated against the innocent. No moral justification exists for killing innocent people, no matter what political point one is trying to make, no matter how damaging this act may be against a government one despises, no matter how much it succeeds in terrorizing an enemy's nation. Terrorism will always equate to criminality. Its fundamental premise is a false one - that the end justifies the means.

(The ideology of militant Islam defies any moral precept, it contradicts the teachings of the Koran, which decry the taking of innocent lives. Militant Islam is fueled by the lust for power, enshrouding a doctrine of hate with a veneer of religiosity to attract its followers who confuse might with right. Take note that these characteristics are just as evil when they are embraced by our own American leaders. How many lust for power? espouse hate while claiming to be good Christians? also confuse might with right? and use the same tactic when they claim to uphold Christian virtue, yet ignore the commandment against killing at their convenience?)

Retaliation against those that perpetrated this despicable act of terrorism is not only justifiable - to act in self-defense is a moral imperative of rational self-interest to prevent future criminal acts. To do nothing would only embolden the terrorist, nothing would stop him from acting again with impunity.

The correct response would have been to identify the guilty, track them down, infiltrate their organizations and either bring the terrorists to justice when possible, or eliminate them when not. A superpower must exercise extreme discretion in the use of force and retaliation. All the resources available to bring the enemies to justice swiftly and effectively must be called upon, yet with the great responsibility of not becoming like the enemy and taking the lives of the innocent. All the military intelligence, all the spies in the field, all the satellites and high-tech resources, should be able to surgically remove the threat without collateral damage to others or our reputation as a just nation. Justice means that the guilty, and only the guilty, suffer the consequences of their actions. Retaliation means that the guilty are prevented from committing further acts of murder. Have either of these principles been respected and brought to bear?

Let history bear testament that the correct response was not taken. Instead of acting with discretion, wisdom and intelligence, the Bush administration has initiated aggression against a nation not linked to the September 11 attacks - a secular nation that was a bulwark against Islamic fundamentalism. True - it was a nation led by a ruthless leader - a tyrant that for many years was supported by the US and a short-sighted foreign policy less interested in human rights than political expediency. Still, the evidence shows that the Iraq War and the "War on Terrorism" are unrelated. The terrorist threat was shamelessly used as a pretext for this agenda-driven war. While the true authors of the attack on our homeland have still not been brought to justice, the force and might of the United States has turned Iraq into a breeding ground for insurgency, spawned a civil war and aided the enemy in recruiting those newly fed by hate to their cause. Instead of safeguarding American lives, many were placed in harm's way and lives were needlessly sacrificed. I say needlessly, because they did not die for "freedom" or any measure of justice.

As the world watched in shock, the United States set a terrible precedent of initiating force against a weak defeated country that was not on the attack. At that moment, any moral authority that the United States ever had as a just nation, any respect for American ideals, any posturing of righteous superiority, was destroyed and our nation's honor shamed. In an instant, all the sacrifice of those revolutionary ancestors who resisted the oppression of a tyrannical empire, all the fallen who have nobly fought against those many enemies that have initiated force against America or weaker nations or allies, have been dishonored. Should another country follow the US' poor example and invade another, how can we now say they are wrong, yet the US was right?

What we Americans most despise and have fought so hard against - the aggressor nation, the United States has become.

The military intelligence that justified US action, yet could not persuade the United Nations to act against Iraq, has turned out to be flawed at best, false at worst. To act upon flimsy circumstantial evidence was an exercise of poor judgment that followed from failed moral character. No court in the nation, or the world, could conduct a trial by such poor standards. Yet, the Bush administration acted with typical indignation that their judgment should be questioned. And in another instant, the credibility of our nation vanished. Should the intelligence community ever really find weapons of mass destruction in another place and time, how could they or our nation ever be taken seriously, again?

While to some "shock and awe" was merely a media-directed slogan, to others it meant experiencing first-hand the horrors and tragedy of war. While some were killed instantly for the unlucky state of existing near military targets, others lost loved ones, or were maimed and crippled for the remainder of their lives. Collateral damage excused away lives destroyed by a nation that supposedly values life and decried the taking of innocent lives.

Strategically, I have said, this war was a miscalculation. Surely, the force and power of the most powerful military in the world quickly swept across this crippled and weak nation with blitzkrieg-like ferocity and efficiency. Would one expect any less from the self-proclaimed pre-eminent superpower? Yet, the arrogance of the "shock and awe" confidence has given way to the realism of a prolonged war of insurgency that the supposed experts did not see coming. Wrong again - wrong to assume the Iraqis would welcome the "liberators" with open arms. What deluded thinking could have possibly lead to such far-reaching miscalculations? How could anyone expect the Iraqis to welcome our army as the French did in WWII? Did anyone stop to consider that only a few years before we had been at war with this same country, incinerating and bombing into oblivion thousands of sons of Iraq - unfortunate souls who were conscripted into a tyrant's army? Did we really expect a warm reception?

The same type of deluded and foolish thinking gave rise to calling all the insurgents "terrorists". With the invasion, the enemy ranks swelled. The United States' government literally made enemies - they made enemies with those that before had no intention or opportunity of firing upon an American. I ask those of you that consider yourselves patriots: Should our country be invaded - would you not raise arms against a foreign power trying to force their way of life upon you? The honesty of your answer presents you with the degree of understanding of the meaning of insurgency.

Remember the moral imperative of retaliation - that to concede to the use of initiated force would be against the moral imperative of punishing the aggressor for his transgression. It matters not the supposed good intentions of the invader. It matters not that we are trying to give them "freedom" or democracy or any of our other Western values. When it comes to war, the invaded have the moral upper hand over the invaders, I say, the defender is on the side of right over the aggressor. Know this and understand this, for it goes a long way in explaining why the United States will never gain a decisive victory in this misguided and illegitimate war.

Though the insurgents may feel themselves doing their patriotic duty in defending their homeland from the invader, there are others who have joined in the fight who may share sentiments more closely aligned with militant Islam, many having crossed the borders from neighboring Syria, Saudi Arabia or some other Arab state. To engage the "great Satan" in holy war is the highest achievement in their twisted ideology. I speculate that the attacks on the US were done to incite exactly the type of response that was forthcoming, that the terrorists predicted the actions of "Bring them on!" diplomacy. I am saying that the United States government was drawn into a fight that the terrorists wanted. Why go to America to kill Americans, they might have reasoned, when they can kill them in the Middle East? Since dying in Jihad is a quick ticket to Heaven, they believe, then their strategy of drawing the United States' military into a fight has proven very successful with over 1,800 American soldiers killed so far and countless of their numbers dying a glorious death. For the enemy, this is a win-win situation - a losing proposition for the US military.

The foolish believe that the war against terrorism is succeeding because we haven't had an attack at home since we attacked Iraq. I am countering that they no longer have to attack us at home to kill Americans, thanks to Bush's foreign policy.

In the game of chess known as geopolitics, it appears that Bush and his administration and the US Congress have acted with the ineptitude of one that can not grasp the game of checkers.

Consider the aftereffects of 9/11: Billions spent on the bureaucracy of home security for fear of another attack, US spending billions more to fight the war, death and injuries to our servicemen and women with more to come, weakening of our standing and respect in the world community, weakening of our economy by reckless deficit spending with no end to the spending in sight. To call the terrorist strike the most successful attack on the United States would be an understatement. Sadly, it is the US response to the attack which magnifies this tragedy into a major catastrophe. Tragic to lose two great buildings and several thousand innocent lives in NY, catastrophic to plunge the US into war and cripple our great country by saddling it with debt.

My point is that the majority of the cost of 9/11 was created by our response to the attack, more than the actual attack itself. Though we did not choose to be attacked, we had the choice of choosing how to react. An over-reaction, an unjustified reaction, a wasteful reaction - was chosen over a carefully thought out and cleverly executed retaliative counter action. Is it possible that the US has underestimated its enemies and played into their hands?

Many in the US still resist pulling out of Iraq - a country that we ravaged, in effect leaving it at the mercy of competing tribal religious factions in a civil war that we provoked. But what are the possibilities of a united democratic Iraq? In a land that has no tradition of democracy, only the heavy hand of dictatorship was capable of keeping the peace, crushing insurrections with no regard to human rights. Was it ever realistic to force democracy on a country - the way the Communists tried to force Communism upon nations? If the Iraqi people feel more of an alignment to their particular religious sect than to an ideal of democracy, how many years must the US remain in this tribally divided country until it finally becomes democratic? five years? twenty? one-hundred? or until it is bankrupt?

The past can not be undone. We must make an honest assessment of the current situation - not a wishful-thinking fanciful interpretation. In a cost-benefit analysis, the cost has been and continues to be excessive, the benefit is mostly questionable and artificially hopeful. Without a doubt, the only ones who have benefitted are the war profiteers - the military contractors who profit from this dirty business of war. The human cost also has been high, besides Americans already mentioned, consider the many thousands of non-combatants that have been killed by both US forces and the following insurrection since the beginning of hostilities.

Know this, my fellow Americans, as the aggressor nation, the United States government is responsible for these deaths. Had the US not attacked how many of these people would be alive today? So, too, the blood of the innocent is also on the hands of every individual that ever supported the war, directly or indirectly, through votes or opinions, or who has ever contributed tax dollars that have gone towards the bullets, bombs, fighter jets, aircraft carriers and all the other instruments and weapons of modern warfare. Each must determine by the dictates of conscience his degree of culpability and take personal responsibility for his actions.

The invasion of Iraq by US forces has destabilized a country that before was an island of secular order in a sea of Islamic fundamentalism. A democracy is supposed to rise from the ashes at gunpoint, amidst an environment of car bombings and coercion. This is not the fertile field of rebellion of our forefathers who were educated by the Enlightenment. This is a country whose culture embodies the values of tribalism, of a people who see themselves as Sunni, Kurdish or Shiite. They will put the interests of their tribe before that of their nation. The civil war that we have unleashed by unsettling the ruling elite has already begun. We can not help any one side of Iraq without hurting another side of Iraq. That is the nature of civil war. The side we help will always be stigmatized by the other side as being our lackeys or puppets, so to some they will always lack authenticity.

Today must be our last day in Iraq. No amount of time will make a wrong into a right. Every day that goes by represents more American lives unnecessarily sacrificed, Iraqi lives destroyed, affirmation for the terrorists, vindication by the insurgents, and millions more dollars wasted.

The time has come for atonement. As a nation, we must insist that reparations be forthcoming for the death and destruction we have wrought, especially to the families here and abroad that have suffered mightily by this nation's actions. We must each take responsibility for our part in this conflict.

There are those who have suggested that our leaders have indirectly or directly profited from the war. I can only say that should a public servant have used his sacred office for personal gain then he must be tried for high treason. Let us form our own war crime tribunal to discover if any one of our own is guilty of violating international convention. I say, let us clean our own house before the international community shames us into doing it.

As a true patriot, one may love his country eternally, but may not its imperfect government that is only as good as its best members and as bad as the worst. The war in Iraq represents moral failure in leadership bereft of principles. To continue on this path will only weaken our country and bring it to ruin.

Instead of respect around the world, we are scorned. Instead of making friends we have made enemies. Instead of punishing and retaliating against the terrorists, they still remain at large to strike again. Instead of being on the side of truth and justice, we have seen deception and have taken the role of our traditional enemy - instead of defender of the free world, we have become the aggressor against the world. Instead of leading by example, we try to impose by force. Instead of maintaining our economic lead and power, we foolishly squander billions on warfare and bureaucracy.

Stand against this war - a war without principles, without justification, without any foresight or an exit strategy, without any clear definition of victory, with no limit to spending, with no regard for the human cost, with no regard to American honor.

Lastly, to reiterate principles: The war on Iraq will forever live in infamy as an unprovoked criminal attack against the innocent. No moral justification exists for killing innocent people, no matter how much one despises a tyrant or his government, or succeeds in overthrowing these, no matter whether one claims to bring democracy or "freedom", no matter whether US interests benefit by securing resources, no matter how much it might "stabilize the region", no matter how many terrorists might as a consequence be killed, no matter what benefit might be gained... A war of aggression will always equate to criminality. Its fundamental premise is a false one - that the end justifies the means.